Look Forward- Plan Ahead

Estate Planning

Palmer & Associates helps families plan now so that they can avoid legal obstacles later. When it comes to Medicaid planning and end of life matters, we assist you in ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of as you wish. Marriages, divorces, children, adoptions, and illnesses - which are a part of life - can pose potential legal issues when it comes to the rights and obligations of family members. A comprehensive Medicaid plan and estate plan which are adjusted to reflect your existing circumstances as you move through life is the key to ensuring that your interests and those of your loved ones are protected.

Our Practice Areas Include:

  • Medicaid Advice 
  • Last Wills and Testaments
  • Medical Power of Attorney 
  • Power of Attorney 
  • Living Will 
  • Transfer on Death Deeds
  • Probate
  • and more

Create a comprehensive estate plan today.

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